Timothy Erwin (English) received the 2024 Faculty Award from the UNLV Academic Success Center. He published “Discourses of the Eye: Romeo and Juliet and Hogarth’s Marriage A la Mode” in a recent festschrift, Howard Weinbrot and the Precincts of Enlightenment, and presented “Rhetoric, Artifice, and Iconoclasm” at the meeting of the American Society…
Daniel Chi (Finance) recently wrote a guest column for Las Vegas Weekly/Vegas Inc.  He offered advice on building financial resilience: live within your means, save, and invest. Chi also introduced to the community the financial-literacy courses offered at UNLV – FIN 111 and FIN 112. The first covers a broad range of foundational topics; the…
Katherine Howard, Kate Hendricks, Tyler Hatch, and Karl Kingsley (all Dental) published their manuscript, "Screening for Selenomonas noxia in a Pediatric and Adolescent Patient Population Reveals Differential Oral Prevalence across Age Groups," in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 
John M. Bowers (English) has been invited to be a Member of the Expert Panel for the Bellagio Center Residency Program sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation at the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy.  
Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology) has been recognized as a finalist for the prestigious SSSP C. Wright Mills Award for her book, Contested Americans: Mixed-Status Families in Anti-Immigrant Times. The award committee considered 108 books for this award and will announce the winner in August at the annual conference in Montreal, Quebec.
Tim Grigsby (Social and Behavioral Health) co-published a paper on "A confirmatory factor analysis of a revised motives for playing drinking games (MPDG-33) scale among university students in the United States" in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism. Participating in a drinking game (DG) is common practice among university students and can…
Hal Berghel (Computer Science) has published an article titled, "Social Media, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Social Disruption," in the current issue of IEEE Computer.  Berghel offers an explanation of how social media created an existential crisis for society.
Adam Garcia (Public Safety Services) gave a presentation to the Nevada Sheriffs and Chief's Association in Reno on May 1 providing updates, lessons learned, and the path forward related to the Dec. 6, 2023, mass shooting at UNLV's Beam Hall. The presentation was also meant to provide an in-person recognition of the many law enforcement agencies…
Professors Courtney Cross and Rachel Anderson (both Law) are working group leaders for the “Working Group Discussions” at the Association of American Law Schools’ (AALS) 2024 Conference on Clinical Legal Education.  

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