Woman writing on a piece of paper

Supplemental Instruction

The UNLV Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program is a free, peer-led study group that partners with historically difficult courses and provides an interactive environment to assist students with course concepts and discuss learning strategies. Each group is conducted by an SI Leader who has recently completed the course with a grade of "B" or better and is recommended by partnering academic faculty.

Supplemental Instruction

The ASC Supplemental Instruction (SI) program provides a fully online-delivery model to support undergraduate UNLV students enrolled in select, historically difficult courses. Students access the virtual SI sessions and office hours by visiting UNLV Zoom and entering the corresponding meeting ID number assigned to their course/section. Each semester/session, courses are assigned SI Meeting ID numbers. The SI Meeting ID number can be found on the current ASC SI Schedule.

Students must provide their NSHE number to participate in the sessions. The SI Leader will facilitate planned collaborative activities in sequence with course material. The student code of conduct and the Academic Success Center’s Supplemental Instruction Policies apply to all SI operations and sessions. For questions, please contact si@unlv.edu or 702-895-2909.

Instructional Video

Hear directly from the students, SI Leaders, and a faculty coordinator on how SI provides guided reviews of subject concepts and learning strategies through collaborative group environments.

This is Supplemental Instruction - UNLV Academic Success Center


In partnered courses, regular SI student attendance (at least once a week) has been correlated to increased rates of academic performance and retention when compared to students with non-regular SI attendance. Regular attendance of SI sessions provides students a number of opportunities including:

  • Dedicated time to immediately review material covered in class with a knowledgeable SI Leader
  • A chance to reinforce course topics and work through difficult concepts with peers
  • Occasions to form study groups that can continue throughout the semester

Additional Information for Students

All available SI Sessions assignments and times are listed prior to the start of the semester/session. An SI Leader will also make class announcements toward the beginning of the semester. Students registered in the partnered course are not required to attend the SI Session; participation is voluntary. Students interested in participating in SI:

  • Must be enrolled in the specific course and section number for which the SI Session is offered
  • Must have a current UNLV Student ID with NSHE Number

SI attendees are encouraged to bring their textbook, notes, and prepared questions to the session to get the most out of the experience. SI Leaders hold separate office hours for brief one-on-one questions in addition to the weekly SI sessions.

No Recording Policy:

SI sessions are not recorded to ensure the privacy and anonymity of the students attending the session. If a student is unable to attend a session, it is the student's responsibility to contact the SI Leader for their assigned session and meet with the SI leader during their scheduled virtual office hours.

The ASC also offers drop-in tutoring at no additional charge.

ASC Supplemental Instruction Policies and Procedures

Participating Faculty Responsibilities

The SI Program’s mission to partner with historically difficult courses and provide this service to our students would not be possible without the support of our UNLV Faculty.

Those Faculty who partner with SI over the semester:

  • Grant SI Leaders WebCampus access to their courses (if WebCampus is used)
  • Ensure the SI Leaders have access to copies of course textbooks
  • Communicate with SI Leaders and other SI staff as necessary. Notify SI staff of any sudden schedule changes
  • Complete an Evaluation Survey of their assigned SI Leader after mid-semester
  • Help market SI Sessions to their students

If you are a UNLV Faculty Member who believes SI would be a good fit for their course, we encourage you to contact us at si@unlv.edu SI session scheduling typically begins when the course offerings are published in MyUNLV.

Join Our Team!

Applications are accepted throughout the school year. We are currently seeking individuals with strong interpersonal communication skills; willing to assist a diverse group of students enrolled in historically difficult, lower-division college courses.

Eligible SI leaders have completed the prospective SI course(s) for which they wish to conduct sessions with a grade of “B” or better, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and have received a faculty recommendation. All prospective SI leaders must complete and submit the online application form along with a faculty recommendation to the ASC to be considered.

We employ UNLV students who are passionate about student learning and possess a desire to work in a collaborative learning environment. Comfortability with public speaking and leadership is necessary. SI Leaders will work with students, fellow SI Leaders, faculty, and other SI staff over the semester, and will serve as ambassadors of the ASC by attending assigned courses regularly as model students.


Mailing Address

ASC Supplemental Instruction
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mail Stop: 2001
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89154

