A loan may be a good investment in yourself to help finance your education. The loans, which can help you pay your tuition and fees, as well as living expenses, must be repaid, usually after you graduate, withdraw from college, or drop below half-time enrollment status (fewer than six credit hours per semester for undergraduates or five credit hours per semester for graduates).

What Student Loans Provide

  • Low interest rates
  • Attractive repayment options
  • Deferment/cancellation opportunities

If your student loan is larger than your cashiering account tuition and fee expenses, you will receive a refund check or direct deposit.

Estimate Monthly Payments and Interest

Determine if a student loan fits into your future payment plans by estimating monthly payment and interest accumulated over the life of your loan with the FinAid! Loan Calculator.


Note: Information about the various loans available can be accessed from the red button located at the top right of every page of the loans section.