MSQF Finance Seminar Series: Charles Trzcinka—Indiana University


Apr. 19, 2024, 1:30pm to 3pm

Campus Location


The department of finance and the MSQF program would like to invite you to a seminar by Professor Charles Trzcinka. Trzcinka is the James W. and Virginia E. Cozad Chair of Finance at Indiana University Kelley School of Business. He teaches equity markets, financial econometrics and behavioral finance. Moreoever, he has expertise in international stock market liquidity measures and asset management. He has published numerous scholarly articles in the best finance journals including four award winning articles and is frequently quoted on matters pertaining to individual investors. His monographs and articles dealing with mutual funds and institutional money management have received widespread attention in the national press (New York Times, MONEY Magazine, USA Today, Business Week, Forbes). He is the author of the Forbes Stock Market Course, a well known guide for individual investors.

Trzcinka received a Ph.D. in financial economics from Purdue University. His academic and professional assignments, among other things, have included: professorships at SUNY Buffalo and New York University; and, Senior Economist with the Office of Economic Analysis of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. He has been a consultant to a variety of investment organizations, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Virginia Retirement System, Richards & Tierney, and the New York State Attorney General's Office. The title of the presentation is: "ETFs and Mutual Fund Trades.

Admission Information

This event is free and open to all current Lee Business School graduate students and current business school faculty. Faculty escort required for building entry, as the event is only open for current business school affiliates who are already familiar with the building procedure.

Contact Information

UNLV Lee School of Business Department of Finance

External Sponsor

UNLV Department of Finance MSQF Program