1. Connect with your professors.
    How do you do that?
    1. Look at your syllabus. Most professors clearly outline their office hours and location. Take advantage of this and meet with them. Taking the opportunity to speak to your professor about your course progress and what you need to do to successfully move forward in the class will go a long way. If these set office hours don’t work with your schedule, let your professor know so that they can find a better time to speak with you.
    2. How to approach your professor: Sometimes it can be scary to talk to a professor, especially if you are not doing well in a course. However, don’t let that stop you from taking advantage of the chance to do better. Professors were once students too and understand what school is like. Just be on time, prepared and organized- this will show them that you are willing to work hard. It helps if you bring any previous grades or work and a list of questions. Do not just ask for extra credit.
  2. Create an action plan.
    What does that look like?
    1. Read your syllabus. What other assignments or tests are left in the semester? Take note of all due dates so nothing sneaks up on you. Understand how many points are left in the semester so you understand what grades you need to succeed.
  3. Know your campus resources and use them!?
    • Free tutoring: Tutoring is offered through the Academic Success Center (ASC) on a variety of subjects. Please visit the Tutoring page to see what subjects are being tutored this semester in the main ASC location – 2nd Floor Lied Library. No apt is needed. Check the schedule to see what times tutoring is being held.
    • Academic Success Coaches: The ASC offers academic success coaching. Academic Success Coaches serve as peer mentors who coach students on a variety of subjects including: study skills, time management, exam preparation, work/school balance and many other areas. To meet with an ASC Coach, please contact the ASC at 702-895-3177.
    • Academic Success Workshops: Great hour-long sessions on topics like how to deal with procrastination and test taking skills. Visit the website for the schedule!
    • The Writing Center: Visit the UNLV writing center for information on upcoming workshops or to schedule an appointment to get help with the writing process.
  4. Make an appointment with your Academic Advisor (if you have not done so recently).
    UNLV Academic Advisors are here to assist students who may be thinking of changing course plans at this point in the semester or to begin planning for future semesters. Before making any major decisions regarding changes to your schedule, please schedule an appointment with your college’s advising center to discuss your situation. Advisors are housed within the 11 advising centers across campus.

    To find advising center contact information for your major, please visit our website.

    • Consider adding a mid-semester course to replace a class you are failing. Dropping a course and adding a new mid-semester course may be a helpful option for you. Speak with your Academic Advisor first before making this decision. The final day to drop a class is available on the academic calendar. Visit the Mid-Semester Courses and Mid-Term Grades page for more information on how to add a mid-semester course. Don't forget to consider the impact it might have to your financial aid package. Also keep in mind that Financial Aid does not cover mid-semester classes, this is not considered a swap. (for example: you need to add before you drop to ensure you are continuously enrolled in the same number of credits) Visit Financial Aid & Scholarships site for more information. After speaking with your academic advisor, please log on to MYUNLV to enroll. For help locating the list of Mid-semester classes on MYUNLV, visit the Mid-Semester Courses and Mid-Term Grades page.
  5. Don't forget to start planning future semesters with your Academic Advisor! Registration for the upcoming semester always starts the semester before. Mid-semester is the perfect time to start planning for next semester courses.